Confidence: A Daily Masquerade


Sometimes I feel like life is a daily masquerade, like from place to place and person to person, we put on different masks or act a certain way that is anything than who we really are, for fear that well be judged or, God forbid, unliked. Masks that we hide behind to conceal the real person that God has designed us to be. If any of the masks below resonate with you, there`s more to read at the end.

  1. The “Im put together:" This is the mask that shows everyone that you have your life figured out, that you know what you`re doing, and that you are in an essence, perfect.
  2. Humor: Joking, being sarcastic, and constantly creating tom-foolery can sometimes be used a front to cover what you really feel or some hidden sensitivity.
  3. High-status: Someone who flaunts money, possetions, clothes, position, etc, to distract from the underneath person.
  4. Media mania: Displays a fantastic life on social media, but in all reality, is only showing the highlights and not the whole thing.
  5. inspirational speaker: Someone who gives advice, but who doesn`t take it themselves!

There`s many more I could list, but I`ve experience most of these at one point. Confidence is seen as this elusive creature that constantly evades capture, but when did we begin to forget that our source of confidence shouldnt be in ourselves, but in the one who created us? Isaiah 32:17 says, "The fruit of righteousness will be peace; its effects will be quietness and confidence.” If we are living in God`s word and heeding his commands, there should be no wavering of confidence because he will establish that in and through us. Once we let God establish confidence in us, then we can really be our true selves around other people!

Struggling with Confidence in the way you look is a big thing to face, but God knew we would, so he gave us his word to help us see that we anything but what we think!

The first thing I want to point out on this topic is this:

  1. we were CREATED.

Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” After God created us, he said that it is GOOD. It also says that he has begun a good work in you, will bring it to completion and this counts for the inward man and the outward. Why would God create something ugly and broken if he himself is the most beautiful being to ever exist? This brings me to my next point!

2. We are created in God`s image and HE is beautiful.

Isaiah 33:17, and Psalm 50:1-2 both talk about him being “a diadem of beauty” (a deity or God of beauty in layman`s terms.) If you think about it, we are created in HIS image, and the Bible calls him exceedingly beautiful, so that means we are in turn exceedingly beautiful.

And this will be my last point:

3. He makes everything beautiful in it`s time.

The Bible constantly talks about the coming glory Psalm 27:4 is David asking God to allow him to behold the beauty of the Lord for all eternity and Ecclesiastes 3:11 says this, “He has made everything beautiful in it`s time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” We should be worried about our inward beauty and not the adorning of the outside! While looks will fade, our spirits have to live on forever.

As you carry on the rest of your day, walk in confidence knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God has designed you to be who you are for a purpose!! Be loud and proud!!!! Your personality is killer and looks are drop-dead, so OWN IT!

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